Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mothers love

When a someone in the world knows that they’re about having a child, they usually turn their lives a whole 180 degrees, specially if they’re heading down the wrong path. I wouldn’t really know exactly, mainly because I’ve never experienced it, but so I hear. There was something I always wanted to say on this topic, but its hard to put into a few words that comprise a poem, but a blog post is perfect.

A lot of us live with our mothers (for those that don’t, I’m sorry), but we don’t get how much they do for us. Maybe our little minds begin to slightly comprehend as we grow up, but they do give up a lot. Some give up their education, their career or their entire life just to raise us. They know what they’re giving up and they do understand, but they still go ahead and do it. They fight to protect us, they keep us safe, they stay awake at night when we’re sick, because that’s who they are.

Now take us. We’re care-free, and most of us take our maternal love for granted. We use it to get what we want, but we rarely care about they think. We’ve been so used to receiving that we think that’s what mothers are; portals leading to stuff we want for example money, going out, a new device or gadget we want. A father can more or less handle us. They’re more firm with their decisions. They put their foot down, and there’s little you can do to change their mind. Mothers on the other hand, put on a puppy face and a few tears, and you’ve gotten what you wanted.

We don’t listen to our mothers much, because of their maternal instincts, they let go, till we think we have power. So we don’t listen and do more or less what pleases us. They think about our lives, our future and us as a whole even when they make the slightest decision about us. And we, we just care about the present. What thrill will going out with our friends tonight bring us, or what will it be like to go to a trip to Dubai with our friends, and then we use that puppy face and tears to convince them to go against their will, even though all along they know they’re right, but they cannot help to displease us.

And that’s what concerns me. They gave up their life, their potentially everything, just to raise you up, and you, you being the ignorant fool that you are just let that love slide by and only reciprocate when we want something from our mothers. I know I do take my mother for granted sometimes, but I also know all the sacrifices she made for me. She helps me during the day, and at night she cries for me as she prays to god. Mothers. They’re a gift we should cherish. Ask those who haven’t really had their mothers around, or those who never had mothers. Ask those who had to raise themselves without that maternal love, ask those who wished they had just a hint of what you did ,and you’ll know what you have is special. What you have cannot be bought or sold, what you have is literally priceless. Shame on those who raise their voice above their mothers, shame on those who disrespect their mothers and shame on those who take them for granted.

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