Friday, July 19, 2013

Reaching heights

I've always wondered what it would be like to be in the army at the age of 15, or what it would be like to be trading money well before you reached the 'golden age' of 18. The thing is, it will always remain a thought and it will more or less never happen. One of the reasons being I'm 18 (duuhhh), but the real reason this will never happen is because society thinks kids can't do it, or they're too stupid to pull off big things at a young age.

Lets go back in history and re-read the books about how 15 year olds lead armies, or how they accomplished more than "smoking weed and partying". The thing is, we were never pushed to do anything great as young kids, if we clapped our hands, it was like "OH MY GOD HE CLAPPED!!" and tears of joy started rolling down everyone's cheeks like the 6 month old had conquered the world. A few years later, when the time really came for us to try and conquer the world, people scoffed in our faces. Words weren't needed to express what they were thinking: "look at this young fool, he thinks he can do something." 

Slowly, day by day, our enthusiasm was sucked out of us, and day by day we were fed dreams, dreams that we weren't allowed to pursue. Even after 18, people don't get what they should by the time they're 25-30. The thing is, if a tree takes 10 years to grow, don't expect it to grow in 3 years if you plant it 7 years later. It doesn't matter if you start today, 10 years from now, or you started 5 years ago, the tree is bound to take the same amount of time to grow. It took 150 years before another president younger than 50 took office. 

I don't know if it's because older people are scared that we might accomplish more than they ever did, or its just because they think we're too stupid to do anything. If that's the case, then lets look at Muhammed Bin Qassim, an Ummyad general than conquered part of Pakistan, or Joan of Arc, the French military Supreme commander. Both of these two generals took power at the young age of 17. My biggest accomplishment of the day as an 18 year old is waking up on time. 

Standing behind waiting to be pushed forward by the oncoming crowd isn't going to make you the leader of the pack. Instead, you'll have to raise your feet and walk ahead strong. The earlier you start, the earlier you'll be at the top. What's the point of becoming a billionaire at the age of 60-70? What's the point if you cannot enjoy your youth like you're supposed? Simply put, Nothing.

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