Monday, September 16, 2013

The black hole: an emptiness inside my heart

You know when something shatters you? Gets deep inside your heart and just rips it out of its place? Do you know the feeling when you just want to give up and let go, because you just don’t have the strength to go on? I don’t know about you, but from time to time, I get that feeling.
I don’t know what it is, or where it comes from, but sometimes I wake up and there’s a hollow, empty feeling inside. It’s like I’m missing an organ, or there’s nothing where my heart was supposed to be. Maybe I’m missing someone, or I’m just somehow incomplete, I honestly could not tell. From time to time I’ve contemplated, I’ve thought about it and tried to decipher it, but with no such luck to get to an end result. 

It’s not only feeling hollow and empty that gets to me. Sometimes that hollowness decides to really go for it, and couples up with loneliness. I could be surrounded by a million friends yet still feel emptier than the Grand Canyon. I feel like there’s no one by my side, and I’d have to fight life alone. From time to time, I have to put my feelings aside and just smile; I can’t share these feelings with anyone. I have to keep it to myself, or people will just think I’m crazy or really sad. And although it might not be a vaccine, acting crazy and wild does act as a temporary medication, until of course, the feelings hit again.

When being crazy isn’t an option, and times like that come, it’s usually just me and my music, in a cold night out, looking at the city lights glimmer in a far distance. The soft music coupled with noises from the street as people go about in their hustle bustle really soothes me. I let the songs drain away my sorrow, as if they were building a deep crevasse where all the sorrow collected and was disposed of. Time then heals the emptiness and reconstructs happiness pipelines inside me for the time being. And sometimes, just sometimes, when it gets too hard and too dark to handle, I feel like jumping off a bridge will put an end to it. But then I think, what's life worth if I succumb to a feeling? What's life worth if loneliness gets to me? What were all the fights up till now worth, if I am just going to give it all away in a second.
I haven’t looked into why this happens or researched it in anyway; maybe I’m just afraid that if I come to know more about the reality of the matter I might get to know something that I don’t want to know. Sometimes I feel like I know what it is, and perhaps that research will affirm my thoughts and feelings, and by that given affirmation, I will no longer be subject to imagination. I would no longer be able to avoid the topic by thinking about different possible scenarios of my emptiness and hollowness. And if that affirmation comes through, I will live in fear of what I believe is the cause of this hollowness, and knowing that belief will slowly feed on what happiness I have left till I’m nothing but dark inside. I do not of course wish to disclose what my subconscious has to say, but sometimes I believe what it says.

I thought all along that I was one of a kind, or at
 least one in a million. Alas, where would I find one of the other 7000 people that felt the same way? As it turns out, this is more common than I thought it would be. And I think that those who have faced some hardship to end up in this position help others because they do not wish for others what befalls on them. They strive for other people’s happiness because they are incapable of bringing happiness to themselves sometimes. I also believe that those are the strongest of people, and sometimes even the freest of them all, because they have in some way learnt to deal with it and let the dark forces over take them. Although from time to time they succumb to these dark forces, they overcome them and are victorious. And although I might not be one of the elite few I’ve praised, but I pray that no one has to endure the same fate that some of us have to, I hope that you never feel alone, I wish you nothing but happiness and content.